George Kerridge is elected VC Baracchi vice chairman

At the annual meeting of Velo Club Baracchi George Kerridge was elected as the new vice-chairman in place of Paul Bedford, who stood down after a long stint in the post and will maintain a connection with the club.

George Kerridge, who was elected vice chairman

George Kerridge, who was elected vice chairman

All other officers were re-elected including Brian Boxall, the chairman, who gave thanks to Bedford and also fulsome praise for the club’s achievements over the year.

These include great improvements in personal performances by many of the twenty-one members who rode time trials in the year.

He started with a short tribute to Jim Benton, a “real treasure” Jim had passed away in the year and had until recent years made a big contribution to the club and had been a very an enthusiastic cyclist, taking to it “like a duck to water.”

Next year the club will again promote two open time trials and there is a strong possibility of a return to road racing. Two members, Richard Allen and Ray Skipper were specially thanked for having acted as accredited marshals at road races.

Nicki Hawkes will ride for VCB again next year

Nicki Hawkes will ride for VCB again next year

Club secretary Nicki Hawkes will resume riding for the club as a first claim member. If she had been doing so this year she would have broken all the women’s club records and come second in the veteran BAR competition.

The club resolved to adopt the new kit design and decided on a supplier, so a priority is to place an order very soon and see as many members as possible in the more modern kit. This will go hand in hand with seeking to expand the very active membership even further.

One new member joined on the night. Anyone interested in trying time trials or joining the club can access information on where there is a membership form. It is a good time to join, before the new season.

John Thompson, who filled a vacancy for treasurer in the year, will continue and John Swanbury will continue as publicity officer.

The club members’ achievements will be further celebrated on Saturday at the annual presentation evening, with certificates for all who took part in time trials and a large number of trophies for the star performers.

Despite the heavy rain on Sunday 47 riders started and 38 finished The Waveney Wander 105km audax organised by John Thompson. Of the 9 non-finishers 8 suffered or were involved with various ‘mechanicals’ and one was too fatigued! There were 17 non-starters, which considering the rain was good. Two signed ‘on the line’ to top it up to 47.

The HQ was Carlton Colville Community Centre and the riders first went to the hamlet of Earsham Street (not the ‘well known’ Earsham) for an info control, then continuing through Waveney Valley lanes to Brockdish and through south Norfolk via Rushall, Starston and Woodton to the Rosy Lea Tea rooms at Loddon for a control, then Heckingham for an info control and back via Raveningham and Beccles; by all accounts a good route.

VCB club member Steve Cone and his son Glen completed in 6 hours 19 minutes. That was after a long delay helping someone with a severely buckled rear wheel, which unfortunately didn’t come to anything and the rider had to pack.

Steve Cone on a warmer day!

Steve Cone on a warmer day!


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